live wisely
for remnants
of your story woven today
will linger like a spider’s webbed
gye wires stretched between stanchions
holding the meat of a long dead fly
in slow decay - caught in her
sticky trap long after
you have gone
Nancy with a few of the young soldiers serving in Kosovo
Nancy holds one of the "forgotten babies" of Kosovo
The mixed blood babies that were the result of rapes were not accepted by either the Muslins or the Orthadox. Ironically,they were not eligible either for international adoption. They were growing up in the hospital without parents.
I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.”- Edith Cavell
A woman from the village Latnice, Kosovo
With the MCH team in Hoghoost
To explore the unknown and the familiar , distant and near, and to record in detail with the eyes of a child, any beauty of the flesh or otherwise, horror, irony, traces of utopia or hell. – Dan Elton
Nancy with her Maternal child Health Team in Kosovo
Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” – Mark Jenkins
"Life is never going to be quite the same again after your passport is stamped and you find yourself speechless among the money changers." ~ Graham Green (Another Mexico)
Terese grinds the corn for the day's tortillas
Fresh killed chicken for dinener
The black hen is plucked on the kitchen floor
Justina bathes her daughter
I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright. ~Henry David Thoreau
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
See how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence…we need silence to be able to touch souls. ~Mother Theresa
Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invited me to cherish it. ~ Ninon de Lenclos
Life comes Down to a few moments. This is one of them.
by Tami Nicks
In my over 70 years of life, I have traveled over 135 countries in the world, seen much and met countless beautiful people and wonderful children. But I must say this strongly, 'Tibetan people are unique, and Tibetan culture is unique and we must preserve them both, if the what they have naturally can be further cultivated and nurtured in a right environment.'I think, just like Mozart was born to compose without being taught how to, these Tibetan Children are born with compassion in their DNA. They tend to think naturally to put 'others before self.' In this day and age, how is this possible? Maybe because Tibetans are all reincarnations of those with this tradition long, long before? Maybe because it is in their Genes? Or maybe it is due to their mothers' early attitude and behavior? ~ Doctor Kazuko (founder of the Tibetan House Orphanage in Twang, Tibet.
35 inches of Pure Humanity
Little Andu
Andu and her Bunkmate
the children sleep two to a cot in the unheated bedrooms.
Little Andu at the Dichee Orphange
Llasa, Tibet
TAX DEDUCTION ! Available now $10 plus shipping - email to order
All proceeds goes to the non-profit "ONE NURSE AT A TIME" toward nursing scholarships.
“The extraordinary nurses’ stories in Nurses Beyond Borders have the power to ignite a movement of international volunteerism. As a nurse, this book reinforces what I already know: wealthier and more technologically advanced countries have a responsibility to help the undeveloped ones, not only through a sense of charity, but in order to promote permanent peace and security. With its insightful glimpses into universal health and safety concerns, this collection incites reflection, examination, and hope.” —Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea
Order your copy today by emailing
All proceeds to to the non-profit "One Nurses At A time" toward nursing scholarships for nurses who volunteer abroad.
Over Coffee with Sister Filje - WOMANKIND
"Where ever there is great love, there are also miracles."~ Willa Cather
$10 plus shipping - Proceeds go to One Nurse AT A Time
Sister Filje's Clinic was Spotless.
"Over Coffee with Sister Filje ~ WOMANKIND
Sisters are different. They heard the sobbing in the darkness. They lived through all your triumphs, all your favorites, all your loves and losses. They have no delusions. They lived with you too long. And so, when you achieve some victory, friends are delighted - but sisters hold your hands in silence and shine with happiness. For they know the cost.~ Pam Brown
Digital Release Date 9/7/10 !
Limited edition of printed copies available email to reserve your copy.
"Joy in the Morning"
Seven-year-old Cassandra lived next door in a rumbled clapboard shack with three younger siblings, a teenage aunt and uncle, and her grandmother who she called Granny.
Still available through all major book sellers....
For autographed copies email
Book Event at Pella Corp
Book event for The Business Women of Corp
Reading in Pella
Nancy will be meeting with the Women's Group of the United Methodist church of New London, IA tomorrow at 1:30PM. the meeting is open to the public. Everybody is welcome!
500,000 women die in childbirth every year. It's one of the UN's millinneum goals to improve maternal mortality worldwide. Let's work toward getting prenatal care to EVERY woman in the world!
Get your copy today!
And invite Nancy to join you for the discussion!
I Am a Curandera
It is not a thing I chose. It is a thing that chose me.
The purpose of life is to live it,to taste experience to the utmost,to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Monks Debate the Buddist Philosophy
Every afternoon the young monks in training meeting in the courtyard to argue their beliefs. Photo taken in Llasha, Tibet
Baby Monks
Prior to 2003 little boys as young as three year old could enter the monestry. It was the custom for most families to send one son because this raised their prestige in the community as well as assured their place in the afterlife. Familes were only allowed one visit a year. But in 2003 the law was changed and now the boys must be 17 before they can enter. We saw many 'baby boy monks along our journey - little boys who only see their mother once a year.
Sign up today!
and chose One Nurse at a Time for your 'free donations' with every search!
A long-legged woman stands on the bow of her boat, face warmed by rising sun. Silver streaks glint in her light brown hair, like sunbeams dancing in the morning glow. Nimble as a dancer she slips over the side, rising and falling in undulating waves, she sinks into her kayak. With a mermaid’s grace she paddles toward the white sand beach, frosted thick with pink and purple seashells that stretches to the brink of the world. She listens to the shells, so deep they tinkle like a thousand wind chimes with each retreating wave. She hunts. She gathers. She explores the beach all day, filling a hand woven bag with bountiful gifts from the sea, until afternoon’s slanted light warns soon the setting sun will stoke world’s edge in a brilliant backdrop of fiery color. The woman catches the first wave, the smallest in a cycle of seven, and smoothly paddles the kayak toward her anchored sailboat home. She spreads pink and purple shells across the bow admiring each unique shape and hue, then picks just one that calls her name, and slips the others gently over the side returning them to the sea. The woman has everythingshe needs; And she knows, what she enough.
Fresh from San Miguel de Allende
I recently returned from spending more than two months in the lovely colonial city of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico where I completed the newest anthology in the Nurses' Voices series published by Kaplan Publishing -- Caring Beyond Borders: Nurses Stories about working Abroad. It has been an adventure 'meeting' so many amazing nurses from around the world and reading their stories. With nearly 100 excellent stories submitted, whittling the selection down to only 25 was a daunting task and I am certainly hoping that Kaplan will see to publish a Second Edition of Caring Beyond Borders because so many truly wonderful stories had to be left out of this first one! Watch for its release next spring - April 2010.
Meanwhile, check out some of the others in the Nurses voices series. This one: New Lives contains one of my stories from our time spent in Belize.( In God's Palm) And, although it's been 10 years now since we left Belize I can still see, and HEAR Felicita's thundering voice shout, "Why'd you go and take the baby off the titty?"
Intrigued? Read it! It's available at most bookstores and all the on-line outlets. New Lives
Charming Southern Fiction Up and Coming Author
How Sweet It Is by Alice J.Wisler Minneapolis, MN—Following up her acclaimed and warmly welcomed debut, Alice J.Wisler again spins a captivating Southern tale of humor, faith, and romance. The loveable cast of characters in How Sweet It Is has a refreshing depth and insight into life, turning this delightful novel into a compelling read. “Too often we get caught up in ourselves,” says Wisler of the book’s message. “When we focus inwardly too long, we miss the beauty of getting to know and appreciate others.” From a woman recovering from emotional and physical scars to a rag-tag bunch of middle schoolers, to a Dr. Seuss-quoting plumber and a handsome social worker, the characters in Wisler’s new book reflect life in every aspect—and how we make the best of it. “Everyone has problems and unexpected events and sorrows in their lives,” said Wisler. “So learn to live with your sorrow while reaching out to others, also in need. You may think your troubles are the worst, but there are always those suffering more than you are.”
Helping nurses from all over the world
India - ready or Not...
Another Chicken Soup Re-Heat
Stories of Faith
And One More Chicken Soup Re-Heat
Teachers Book Club
They meet right after school - what a great idea!
Rain Song by Alice J wisler
Doctor Drita with her daughter
Doctor Drita at my Kosovo "going away" party with her lovely daughter
Please Help My Son Not Die
She was a thin woman ...wearing a baggy T-shirt two sizes too large and baggy black pants.
Doctor Drita Examines a Child
....But, when I looked into her eyes, I saw only kindness and the twinkle of humor I would learn was her hallmark....
Tooting My Own Horn
I received these messages this week. And, even though it has nothing to do with 'Womankind" I thought I would go ahead and toot my own horn. GO NANCY!
"Congratulations. Your story, “In Search of Simplier Times,” was chosen to be included in one of our “101 Best” books, representing our favorites from our library of stories. “In Search of Simplier Times” is included in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Older and Wiser.
and Congratulations. Your story, “Granny's Last Cartwheel,” was chosen to be included in one of our “101 Best” books, representing our favorites from our library of stories. “Granny's Last Cartwheel” is included in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Marvelous Grands.
This year marks our 15th anniversary, and we are highlighting some of our very best stories, and reminding the world to revisit all of the wonderful books on our title list. You will notice that our books have a fresh new look, with redesigned covers and interiors. We have also recommitted to delivering 101 stories and poems in every book."
Reflections on Doctors
Womankind story, "Please Help My Son Not Die' included in anthology
Two stories from WOMANKIND were recently selected to be included in nursing anthologies - The books, 'Meditations on Hope" and "Reflections on Doctors," were released by Kaplan Press in October and November respectively and are available at all booksellers.
Womankind story, 'The Peaches," included in Anthology
" orderly, digestible view of the world differences through the lens of tolerance and hope.."
The Mexican is familiar with death. He jokes
about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it. It is one of his favorite toys and his most steadfast love. ~ "Octavio Paz
The toddlers of Casa de Los Angeles
"Casa" provides daycare and so much more for the mothers and children of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
The Colors of the Mississippi
The mud green water turns tawny umber as the sun burns a path behind the oak-lined shore, the sky paints herself a rosy shade of wonder.
In the calm surrender of evening Ole Man River begins to sing his blues, in the most unforgettable shades of indigo, deeper and darker, until sometime after midnight, he inks down to a cyanotic sloe, dark as the devils own colon.
And there he swings, between misery and melancholy, until morning sun spills over the dark water and the spirit of the river unfurls her silk scarf – a garnet whisper undulating in the gentle morning breeze and slow crimson current.
You gasp in awe of the scarlet wonder, but sooner than your sigh, that ole river rolls back over, returns to drab muddy green, and you wonder if that silk scarf was real.
By Nancy Leigh Harless
Precious child of Guatemala
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Lifes longing for itself. You may house their bodies, but not their souls...for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you can not visit, not even in your dreams.
Kahil Gibran
Kids on Wheels
We've enjoyed having Bradley & Hannah this week
Norm and Nancy in Kansas City
On the Plaza in KC
On the streets of Llasa
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. --- Mark Twain
Children of Tibet
At the Dichee Orphanage just outside of Llasa, Tibet
Little Andu
35 inches of pure humanity
The Precious Children of China
Please remember China in your thoughts and prayers as they go through this difficult post-earthquake time
TAPA Making in TONGA
Tapa, hand made paperlike cloth made from pounding mulberry bark into thin sheets and glueing the sheets together with tapioca glue, is how Tongans have measured their wealth for eons.
Mother & Daughter Luncheon May 10 - Noon Bethany Luthern church 2515 Madison Ave Burlington, Iowa
In the Women's Clinic in Punta Gorda
'When motherhood becomes the fruit of a deep yearning, not the result of ignorance or accident, its children will become the foundation of a new race." -- Margaret Sangor
Celebrate National Nurses Week May 8th 6:30 - 8:00PM WOMANKIND Reading & Reception Des Moines Central Library 1000 Grand Des Moines, Iowa
The purpose of life
is to live a life of
On the Beach in Thailand
My sister, Pam took this picture recently on her trip to Thailand. Her descriptions of the county and the lovely people convinced me I must visit there soon.
Laundry Day in San Miguel
Every morning women wash their laundry by hand in the public lavinderia just as they have for hundreds of years
I am a Curandera.
It is not something that I chose. IT is something that chose me when I had only eight years.
In Yorba Linda, California
Kristen, Nancy & Martha - friends from the China/Tibet Tour gathered in Yorba Linda for Nancy's book event at Borders Bookstore then out for...what else?....Chinese!
Wild West Book Tour Continues
We've headed up the California coast after a few successful book event in sunny Cal and visits with friends & family. Yesterday we drove the scenic Highay 1 that snakes the Pacific coast. AWESOME views! In the afternoon we drove the "Ave of the Giants" and marvled again at the majesty of those ancient trees - some as much as 2000 years. Think about that.
And now - Look out Washington - here we come! We'll hug the coast all the way up Oregon to savor as much of 'the ocean' as we can before we turn inward and make our way back to the Tri-City area where I grew up. Lots of fun & festivities planned there where old & new friends have a huge Mexican fiesta planned for right after the Book event at Barnes & Noble at Columbia Center (2Pm on Sat March 29th)
It looks like a fantastic day out there - sun, sand & the sea.....It doesn't get any better than this!
Nancy & Norm leave on Saturday for the "Wild West Book Tour"
Nancy with Family from Na Lum Ca
In the Women's Clinic in Punta Gorda, Belize
The Olathe News - March 6, 2008 - Reporter Judy Southard
Former Olathe resident Nancy Leigh Harless will read....Womankind: Connection & Wisdom Around the World... Harless' book is a collection of stories about women she has encountered while living or visiting in 15 countries including Guatemala, Belize, Peru, Mexico and Panama. The accounts, Harless said, came from journals she kept during her travels abroad. "It is a book of hope," Harless said about "Womankind." "These women are amazing, and it's a very joy-filled book. I hope people will be very hopeful for the world when they read it." Harless, who now lives in the southeastern Iowa community of Wever, lived in Olathe from 1990 to 1992. During her time in the city, she was employed as a prenatal project nurse for the Johnson County Health Department. Her duties included supervising the nurses and social workers who cared for low-income expectant mothers.... Harless said she embarked on her first trip outside the United States in 1997 when she was chosen to be part of a month-long study and exchange program in Guatemala and Belize sponsored by The Rotary International. "I've seen poverty in the U.S., but I had never seen the abysmal poverty that I saw in those third-world countries," Harless said. She also said her experiences in Guatemala and Belize inspired her and her newly retired husband, Norm, to move to the Central American country for six months in 1999. With medical supplies they took with them from the United States, Harless said she and Norm opened a clinic that spring. "It was just unbelievable," Harless said about the months she and her husband spent in Belize and the work they did. "It inspired me to help wherever I can."
WOMANKIND on television
Nancy being interviewed by channel 13 Topeka, Kansas
We took a road trip to Kansas last week to hold three Borders Books & Music books events -Lawerence, hometown of the Univiersity of Kansas and where Nancy's youngest daughter graduated, Olathe - where Nancy ran the Johnson County Prenatl Project years ago, and Topeka - where friends Roger & Margo now live. And, while Norm and Nancy agreed it was great to see old friends, we both are feeling the wear and tear of the constant book promotion. It's kbeen a wild ride this past three months! We leave for the west coast on Saturday and return mid-April. Then it will definiently be time for the book promotion events to wind down - not completely stop....just slow down.
River Lights 2nd Edition in Dubuque
A group of like-minded women gathered on Sunday at River Lights 2nd Edition in Dubuque to discuss 'Womankind". Many had been involved in medical missions, Peace Corps or other international works. A stimulating discussion followed Nancy's reading of "Joy in the Morning" & " Maria Gabriel."
The Bookworm at Potter's Mill
In consort with The Bookworm in Bellevue, IA Potter's Mill hosted a book event. A small crowd of women gathered for a lively discussion about strong, beautiful women around the world Afterwqards, we went upstairs for a delicious lunch! If you've never been to Potter's Mill you should try it! It's a delightful place that Norm and NAncy 'discovered' last year when they took their boat down the Mississippi.
Potter's Mill
Reading at Potters Mill in Bellevue, IA
Norm & Nancy in Tibet
On a Rooftop in llasa - Potala Palace in the Background
We Off the the NE corner of Iowa !
Norm & Nancy will be traveling to Bellevue and Dubuque Iowa this weekend to hold book events and to celebrate Norm's birthday. Everyone should simply BARAGE him with well-wishes. It's not everyday that one turns 67!
Check out the beautiful handmade cards made by Lin in Malaysia!
"I know the journey is not what we plan for; it's what happens between the lines."
- Mary Morris Nothing to Declare
Nancy swings with the Taca children
Where I wish I were RIGHT NOW
Nancy with her sister Joyce swimming off the eastern coast of Mexico
It is not something that I chose; it is something that chose me when I had only eight years
Womankind is truly a glimpse of women world, linked by a certain sense of unity - sisterhood. - Lauren Matovina
The Book Tour continues and Womankind is well received
At New Copperfields Bookstore
Nancy with bokstore owners Rick & Linda at New Copperfields
A Rainbow of Women
Punta Gorda, Belize: Every day when I arrived at the clinic a line of women would be waiting - a rainbow of women in traditional dress
The Wild Women of the Pacific Northwest Book Club
An amazing group of strong & beautiful women
In the 'making the small tortilla' contest, Lara won hands down
Pams Yummy Plablonos Chili Dinner
Such a feast and margaritas too!
Paquila, Guatemala
Slaying The Black Hen
In the village of San Miguel, Belize the black hen was killed for a special dinner for Nancy. All the little boys fought over who got to eat the feet! Nancy declined.
Advice from an orange seller in the market in Punta Gorda, Belize
"Life can stretch your soul or tear your spirit.... You choose. "
Cecelia & Nancy Take a Break
The Taca family & Nancy resting in the shade
A fantastic organization that gives women hope every day
Book Launch Party at The Ivy
Daybreak women celebrate Womankind
Joy in the Morning
"It be a bright new day," said Cassandra
Womankind - audio version - is now available
Women's Clinic in Punta Gorda
Nancy in her clinic in Punta Gorda
A Picnic in Hoghoost
Local women eating lunch in Hoghoost, Kosovo
Reading at Zanzibar's Coffee Adventure
Nancy reading at Zanizabar's
An Explosion of Color
Nothing is quite as colorful as shopping in Chichicastenengo,Guatemala
Weaving From a Backstrap Loom
A Young Woman in Paquila, Guatemala Weaves in the Traditional Manner
Release Date Just Around the Corner
Monday, October 22, 2007 WOMANKIND will be released
Everyone Knows Their Place in the Lively Choreography of a Mayan Household
At 3-years-old she helps grandmother pluck the black chicken for stew
Book Launch Party at The Ivy Bake Shoppe
Nancy reading "Joy in the Morning"
In the Village of Jashanica
A community health promotion gathering in Kosovo
The Author is Available for Speaking Engagements, Readings or Book Signings
Contact Nancy at
Making the Small Tortilla
Cecelia teaches Nancy the technique and the art of making the small tortilla