Achieving a Healthy Balance - that was the theme for the Women's Conference in Waconia, MN on Saturday. I am thinking that maybe I need to work on doing that in my own life.
I managed to get to the conference and speak - albeit a rather rambling, shuffling talk it was. I had been up most of the night before experiencing horrible pain in the left side of my face. Really weird pain - I had no idea if it was the sinus infection of the century, or a really bad abscess tooth that was sending shocks of electricity across my face and into my jaw bone. And, of course, I didn't connect the dots and realize that the 'cold sore' that had appeared on my lip had anything to do with the excruciating pain. Long story short - I have shingles involving my Trigeminal nerve! The good news is the truly disgusting pustules didn't pop out all over the left side of my face until after my presentation for Achieving a Healthy Balance. At least i didn't scare everyone in the room!
We left immediately following the conference and came straight home. Today is my first day out of bed. It has been a true learning experience (not to mention a good lesson in vanity) and I am truly beginning today to work on achieving a healthy balance in my own life. Sadly, one of my first steps was to cancel my book events for November.......well, maybe not all....maybe I'll be able to at least to the Anna Parker book clubs 100 birthday Celebration Party next week. Send me your positive thoughts, prayers, reiki and anything else you might call it. I'll take all the help I can get!