Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Hawk Eye Canonizes Iowa Author

Oh course the headline is tongue-in-cheek, but truly this past week the Burlington, Iowa newspaper - The Hawk Eye - featured an article written by reporter Criss Roberts that made me sound like I can walk on water. More important though is that she loved the book - WOMANKIND! Here's a little of what she had to say -

"...In her travels Harless has seen shredded spirits. She's seem souls souring so high she was graced to have caught sight of them. As a nurse practitioner specializing in women's health, the Wever woman hadn't gone looking life lessons or inspiration. She began traveling....In each stop, in locations usually rural and poor, Harless found women and young girls thriving despite heartcrushing adversity. Burdened with an unending cycle of pregnancy, birth and nursing, these women created small pockets of humanity, tapping into a joy Harless found crossed languages and borders, living in the universal feminine heart.

Harless brought these stories home like souvenirs, polishing them into a series of written gems in "WOMANKIND: Connection & Wisdom Around the World.....She's hoping to weave the threads of wisdom she's brought back from her travels through the lives she touches.

Life can stretch the soul, Harless learned from a woman in Belize street market. Or it can tear the spirit. "You choose," the woman told Harless.

And she has."

River Lights 2nd Edition

River Lights 2nd Edition


Norm's Masterpiece